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Holistic Podiatry
Conditions treated
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New Patient Visit - $250
All new patients, except for those who are wanting ingrown toenail removal, or permanent toenail removal, will pay this price
Established Patient Visit - $150
For return patients
Ingrown Toenail Removal - $375
Includes initial visit, post op kit, and a follow up visit
Permanent Toenail Removal - $425
Includes an initial visit, post op kit, and a follow up visit
Keryflex Nail Restoration - $125
Onyfix Nail Correction - $100
Note: Usually will require multiple visits for complete correction
Regenerative Medicine Injections - Call office for pricing
Examples: PRP, Exosomes, Foot Fillers
Pricing does not include any additional labs, supplements, X-rays, MRIs, or other imaging