You might have been told by your foot doctor that you require custom orthopedic shoes due to certain problems with your feet. What does this even mean? You might have certain questions like, "How can custom orthopedic shoes even help? or How much do custom orthopedic shoes cost? This article aims to answer the most commonly asked questions about this topic. To learn more information about custom orthopedic shoes, continue to read below.
Your Guide To Custom Orthopedic Shoes
What Are Custom Orthopedic Shoes?

Custom orthopedic shoes are shoes that are made specifically for one person and one foot. No two pairs of custom orthopedic shoes can be alike. Custom orthopedic shoes can be made in a lab, or even made in a custom orthopedic shoe store.
Custom orthopedic shoes often need to be worn by people with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other health conditions that cause foot deformities. Because of the changes to the foot shape that happen in these diseases, it can
The goal with custom orthopedic shoes is to give the patient a shoe that is wearable, fits properly, and lowers the risk of developing a sore or wound on the foot, known as an ulcer, by lowering the chance that the foot can rub and areas inside of the shoe.
Benefits of Custom Orthopedic Shoes

There are many benefits to wearing orthopedic shoes if your doctor diagnoses you with a certain foot condition. These benefits include the following:
Proper fit for a unique foot
One of the biggest reasons people look to wear orthopedic shoes is that they have problems finding a standard shoe that fits, due to certain foot problems like edema or swelling, hammertoes, bunions, or health problems that also affect the feet and can actually change their shape such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or neuropathy to name a few examples.
Custom orthopedic shoes are made custom to each foot, which means they are tailor-made. Have two feet that are two different sizes? No problem, instead of buying two pairs of shoes like some people have to do, if the size difference is a large one (more than a 1/2 size) A pair of orthopedic shoes can be made in 2 different sizes, providing the best fit for the patient.
Severe bunions, hammertoes, and other toe deformities can make it nearly impossible to find a pair of standard shoes that fit properly. Orthopedic shoes can be made to be wider and deeper than standard shoes, making it simple to wear a pair without any concerns with fit.
Edema or swelling can be a huge concern for the people who are affected by it, as well as the doctors attempting to prevent an ulcer from forming. Extreme edema can also make it impossible to fit normal shoes. This is where custom orthopedic shoes can come into play, by having a shoe made that can come in any width needed.
2. Provides more support than a standard shoe

For feet suffering from certain foot problems like edema, neuropathy, poor circulation, diabetes, or severe toe deformities like bunions or hammertoes, foot stability can be a problem.
Because of these changes to the feet, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints can be out of alignment, which causes destabilization. Because the foot is not as strong as it normally is now, these deformities can become worse over time. Also, a destabilized foot can lead to balance problems, which can also increase the risk of falls.
Custom orthopedic shoes are stiffer and more rigid than regular shoes, which is perfect for people dealing with certain foot problems that are less likely to improve with stretching, muscle strengthening, or even diet changes. This is because usually when the foot changes or deformities are severe, even if for example with type II diabetes, the diabetes itself can be controlled with diet and lifestyle changes, the foot changes are more than likely permanent.
3. Lowers the risk of a foot ulcer

Trying to fit a foot into a shoe that isn't a good match fit-wise can cause rubbing and pressure on areas on your foot. Too much pressure on any area of your foot can lead to blisters or calluses, which then can lead to a sore or ulcer on your foot which can be very difficult to heal.
Ulcers can become infected, which can lead to you being required to go to the hospital for treatment which includes IV antibiotics. In extreme cases, this infection can cause bone infection (osteomyelitis), or tissue death known as gangrene or necrotizing fasciitis which do require surgery, usually amputation to control infection.
The right pair of custom orthopedic shoes prevents rubbing of your skin inside of the shoe, which can lead to a foot ulcer.
Who Are Custom Orthopedic Shoes Best For?
There are patients with certain health conditions who are the best candidates for custom orthopedic shoes. These conditions include:
Diabetes (both type 1 and 2)
Severe edema/Peripheral Vascular Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Foot deformities - severe bunions, hammertoes, toes that overlap or cross over
How To Get a Pair of Custom Orthopedic Shoes

There are two ways to go about getting a pair of custom orthopedic shoes
Through a doctor
If you are diabetic and have Medicare health insurance, Medicare will actually pay for a pair of custom orthopedic shoes for you, also known as diabetic shoes + 3 pairs of inserts once a year. This program, known as the Diabetic Shoe Program is one of the ways that Medicare attempts to lower the rate of ulcers and amputations in diabetics.
Note: Unfortunately Medicare will not cover custom orthopedic shoes if you are not diabetic. And no non-Medicare health insurance plan will cover custom orthopedic shoes regardless of any health conditions or foot problems that you have.
2. At a Custom Orthopedic Shoe Store
If you live in a suburb or major city, you more than likely have a custom orthopedic shoe store in your area. Here there are shoe specialists, and even sometimes pedorthist who are professionals who receive special training to fit people requiring orthotics or shoe inserts, and custom orthotics.
After an evaluation is done, and you pick the style of shoes you want (athletic shoes, dress, shoes, even houseshoes or slippers can be made as a custom orthopedic shoe), it usually takes several weeks from when the order is placed in order to pick up your pair of shoes.
How Much Do Custom Orthopedic Shoes Cost?

If you are diabetic and have Medicare health insurance, your custom orthopedic shoes are covered at 100%
For everyone else, the cost of custom orthopedic shoes is an out-of-pocket cost and can start at around $200. This price will increase based on the type of shoes that are being built, the materials used, and how complex the shoe construction is.
Key Takeaways
Custom Orthopedic Shoes can be an important thing to have in your life if you have a difficult, or impossible time fitting regular shoes. People with severe edema, diabetes, neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoarthritis are at high risk for requiring custom orthopedic shoes. If you are curious to see if this type of shoe is right for you, find a local foot doctor to discuss your options.
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Are you looking for a podiatrist in Phoenix? My name is Dr. Tarr, and I am the owner of Direct Podiatry Arizona in Tempe. To view my available appointment times, click here.
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